Friday, May 1, 2009

bye & thank you

I am leaving the blog world for a while. I don't like this feeling of being a part of it, but not really being there... It seems like everyone is growing and moving forward, and I'm unsuccessfully fighting to stay in place. I tried for the last year and a half to organize my life so that I can sneak in art in the work/family filled days, but it's just not happening. I was getting more and more frustrated and finally realized that I should embrace what life's giving me at this point and not fight it.

I am stepping out.

Love you all and wish you only good, happy things.


  1. Take care of yourself, your family and do what needs to be done...I know how hard it can be to juggle many things at one time...
    The blog world will miss you and await you with open arms when you return!!

  2. I'll miss your blog, definitely! I know I don't comment much, but I do love to visit-take care~~!

  3. oh, i will miss you and your art!!! i'll be waiting...

  4. zorana,

    Oh I do understand but I will really miss you. I am just an email away so please feel free to write anytime you need to vent or share. The blogging world has a hole in it now that Zoranaland has left the building.

    I hope you can come back soon,


  5. You will be missed.
    We are a short distance from one another, hopefully some day we can arrange a meet for coffee. Why we haven't in all this time is beyond me?
    In the meantime relax and go with life's flow rather than try to swim upstream.

  6. I understand how you feel. It is good to have a break now and then and if and when you decide to come back you will have fresh eyes and ideas.
    Enjoy your sabbatical...I will miss you...but you know that I am just an e-mail away. xoxoo

  7. Take care,
    I'll miss you and your lovely work. I hope you'll be able to come back.

  8. Best wishes to you, and thanks for your sharing on your blog while you could. You gave me much inspiration!

  9. ditto, exactly what mystele said. i will miss your inspiration and spunk. till then...xoxo wanda

  10. I have been so bad about visiting lately and now I see you're leaving us! I understand how blogging can be overwhelming at times but you will be missed. I look forward to seeing your art work again. I hope you don't stay away too long.


  11. Bye Zorana, you will be missed. Art is like therapy and I so enjoyed going through the process with you, your work is are beautiful. Take care and rest up. Take care of you :-)

  12. oh, i will miss you and your beautiful art! you have been one of my favorite blogs.

    take care.


  13. Oh, Zorana. I feel like if I am losing a dear friend or art-sister. I can't explain it. You have been a huge inspiration to me and I have been meaning to get a message sent to you sooner but with my move to Maryland, I have been terrible with sending any messages. I was unable to view any blogs for awhile, but now that I am settling into my new home, I have picked up where I left off and view your blog daily! If only you knew just how you have touched my life through your art, your kindness and even the glass turtle story! (Carrying them in your pocket). I felt a connection to you. You remind me so very much of myself. If ever you wish to visit, or maybe even try doing some sort of art adventure together...PLEASE, contact me! I would feel honored! Food for thought....when and if you long for change, a new art challenge! Count me in! No matter what you do, I know that it will be INCREDIBLE. Live your life, my friend. Hugs~ Missy

  14. I have thought and thought and thought about this. And I still don't know how to comment but I, like all the others will miss seeing your beautiful faces on your blog. Your spot in this www net caught me way back and even though I know that we will stay in touch, I will miss seeing you here too. And you know nothing ever stays the same (something I have always lived by) so take a break and when it all feels right, come back all fresh and it will be like you never left.

  15. Zorana...I miss you already! And I agree with everyone here. They have said it all. I do understand and feel free to contact me at anytime. I'll be here when you get back.
    xo suze

  16. Dear Zorana,
    I will miss coming to your blog. I have enjoyed your sharing of your family updates and your art journey. Your words are always so natural and real. I have had you on my blog list and regularly have tuned into your wonderful posts.
    So, I do hope you can come back "online" soon...Take care, and I know your art will continue as you are just so talented. You have been an inspiration to me on my

  17. Hi Zorana, so sorry you wont be blogging for a while. I know life gets busy for us and it gets hard to find time for art (and blogging as lets face its time consuming doing posts etc).
    I dont feel at all that others are moving ahead of are not treading water to stay put, you are always an inspiration to all of us who visit your blog and we will miss you heaps. Your beautiful faces, lovely quotes and those gorgeous roses...

    Keep in touch if you can!

    Sending you a huge big pink hug!

    Jacky xox

  18. Sedning you white light to guide you during your hiatus. Will miss our words and art. I so enjoyed them both!


  19. Sweetie - I have been trying to leave a comment for days but blogger has been playing up.

    I understand the need to step back from blogging. You need to do what is right for you my friend.

    Your art has evolved and continues to evolve lovely lady. I hope you are not being too hard on yourself.

    I love you and hope you get the time to relax and do what makes you happy.

    Dot xx
