Thanks for dropping by, saying "hi" and for the questions. Sharon asked for photos and Darla asked if I'm warm enough. Funny... Yes dear, I am. And I know that you are warm enough too... Warm being the understatement of the year. I think that in SF Bay Area we are spoiled by our mostly spring like year-round weather. I have been complaining this whole summer that it was cold, so the one day the temperature goes almost to 100 we are all 'dying of heat' and barely functioning. I'm melting....
The sun is as yellow as this sweet watermelon. YUM!
Other than watermelons, we are feasting on tomatoes. I wish these were from my garden, but they are not (I'm sure that you guessed Darla - they are from Berkeley Bowl, one of my favorite places).
I would like to paint them, but I don't know how.
Actually, I never tried... maybe I do know.
Are you freaked out by bugs? I am. I almost got a heart attack when this guy jumped while I was taking his portrait. But isn't he lovely, so green in green?
I think he saw me, because he was looking at me on the following photo. I'll spare you of the total close closeup. He looks like an alien.
And just because I'm not sure that Sharon had in mind photos of bugs and tomatoes, let me add a little tiny guy that I was stalking yesterday. He was smaller than the nail on my little finger.And another one little friend. Look how cute! He didn't have the time to comb his 'hair'.
I followed him.Can you see him in one of my future paintings?Same as the grashopper, this little one saw me too...Bye for now. Thanks for the inspiration. I'll be back soon with answers to other questions.xo