Sunday, December 31, 2006

Happy New Year!!!

I am saying bye to this year with a cold that caught me in a split second, or so it seems. I may have a little fever or something so I can't think of anything original to say. Actually, I took some medicine and can't wait to lay down. What a celebration!
I will borrow words from my dear blog friend Claire. I can't think of better wishes for everyone I know than:
Wishing you wonderful things for this New Year -
may it be a time of growth and exploration and a deepening of love for life :o)
My resolution, goal, wish, quest.... is to be able to say "I found myself" at the end of the year (any year). I think that having the privilege to look at this wonderful painting every day will help.
Thank you sweet Misty.


  1. I have to confess, I am so totally, absolutely, absurdly, ashamedly, rediculously green with jealously and envy that you have that painting. And I am also so happy that you have it and I hope you are feeling better. Happy New Year and I look forward to what it will bring to you and to me.
