Monday, July 31, 2006

Another treasure flew into my hands...

Please click on the following LINK and meet an inspiring and very special lady. I was lucky to "meet" Frances Groves on the yahoo papermaking group years ago. We had many swaps in the group, and unfortunately I never received her book... but she did receive mine. Now, after several years she found my email (and noticed that it is my name backwards aanaroz @ and told me how she loved the unusual construction of my book and that she will be teaching it this fall. I am so flattered I can't even say how much!
She mailed me a stash of her beautiful handmade plant papers (click on the picture to see the textures and colors... amazing). The letter that came with the papers is not the usual everyday letter (not that I get letters every day). It is inside this origami little booklet (blue one with the feather). And she took time to send me instructions so that I can make a similar one. Isn't that amazing?
Here is a part of her letter. I believe we can all learn from it:
"I never have been any kind of an artist, although I would love to be one. I was told in about 3rd grade that I couldn't draw, and lived with that all my life.
Ed Hutchins came here to teach last year, and he had us drawing something, and I got nervous. He said, "You are all grown up now, FORGET IT!!" He yelled that!! Too bad I didn't spend part of my life taking art lessons.
For 30 years I taught Ikebana, Japanese flower arranging. I have been a papermaker for 18 years, and about 11 years ago I saw a sketch of a book, by Michael Jacobs, and I wrote to him, saying I was 78 and had to hurry to catch up to all these artists. He has been writing to me ever since, and I have a fine collection of his MailArt."
I so often wonder if I'm making a mistake trying to be an artist at 40 (I too was told in school that I have no talent). I feel very grateful right now. It is as with her thoughtful letter Frances just shouted in my ear "You are all grown up now... forget it! It is never too late!" So, let's create something and let's teach somebody something.... anything. It can only bring good.

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