Monday, January 18, 2010

You are filled with promise

Am I? Are you?
We are. We are filled with promise.

I love getting lost in textures and colors...

I also love playing with a pencils... but the results are nothing like I'd want them to be. The characters might be interesting, but I painted them from photos and there is no trace of resemblance... Can that change with practice? I'll try.

Speaking of promises, are you taking any online classes? Like Misty's portrait class? Or a class that I'm sure will be extra informative - Chris Cozen and Julie Prichard's Project deConstruction? And how about someone that I've been pestering for over a year to offer a class... I've had a chance to watch her paint and learn from her several times and wished that I can tape it so that I can see over and over again what is it that she does that makes her paintings sing. Detail's of Sharon's workshop are here. We are so lucky to live in a time where we can use the internet to learn from so many great artists without leaving even our home...

 - promise available in my etsy shop -


  1. Zorana,
    I really love your pencil drawings!
    I checked out Sharon's blog. Amazing art! I'd like to take a class with her some time soon.

  2. You are *bursting* with promise Zorana....such wonderful art and such a sensitive soul.

    Your drawings really do show so much promise...mine dont look much like the photos either...practice makes perfect. I know the art class that I go to, our teacher wants us to draw something each day. Even if it is just a small pattern...keeps the eye in and the co-ordination.

    Loving seeing the fruits of your courses. Now... must check out the talented Sharon's.
    Jacky xox

  3. Your paintings and drawings are always so full of expression. I love the way you use texture and color.

    I think online art classes are FANTASTIC!!! I took my first one last year and it changed everything for me. I have learned so much from all the online classes I've taken and hope to continue to learn from more of them this year.

  4. Oh I love this, its a beautiful painting with a message I often need to be reminded of. Your pencil drawing are very good. I'd love seeing more of them.

  5. I love all of her but I really really like her nose. And really really like her little friend.
    The drawings of Hana are so wonderful. I want to see more drawings.
