Friday, July 17, 2009


I can't believe that I missed many weeks of opportunity to splash color! I can't get enough of it now! Look how many colors I manage to put in a small space (that's not necessarily a good thing, but I enjoy it).
What did I learn recently? The face doesn't have to be proportional, or pretty, or make sense at all. Sometimes it's great to have a plan, a project that you want to make a certain way. Other times it's about the process... My journal is happy with this little lady living on its pages.


  1. Amazing, where was I when you learned about putting all the colors together all on one page? I can't do that. I am going to do it. It is a wonderful journal page and I'm so happy that you are sparking and on fire.

  2. Love the know I am a texture freak. Pretty colors and pretty lady.

  3. nice it is to be able to do what one pleases in art. I have been enjoying your posts below.
    I just commented on your comeback post :)

  4. Your blog is such a joyful place to visit! Love the riot of colors and the freedom you are experiencing in your art.
    Am grinning from ear to ear as I type this message.
    Will be moving home shortly and will be sure to give you my new address. Lot's of changes - but all for the good!
    Dot xx

  5. This new freedom you've found is absolutely wonderful! I always liked your art before and this new style is so spontaneous and colorful. Beautiful!!!

  6. Love all of the vibrant and alive colours Zorana (and you do them so well). The comment about the faces not having to be perfect is perfect for me at the moment...I'm always trying to make things look perfect and proportional, and yet I love the freedom and abandon in other peoples work who dont worry about that so much...such character and personality.
    Gorgeous work and gorgeous colours.

    Jacky xox
