Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Journaling in January - Day 27

Journaling in January - Day 27
"Those who think they have no time for bodily exercise
will sooner or later have to find time for illness."
~Edward Stanley

A very fast page done just before sleeping. I have been thinking how unfit and inflexible I became. I sit in the car, work 8 hours sitting in front of a computer, then go back home and excluding some chores (where I have to stand) sit some more... before I lie down to sleep. I used to be very active and would like to bring that back to my days. Tomorrow my brand new, shiny and beautiful treadmill will arrive!!!!! I am going to play games and bribe myself to use it. Feeling more fit already! xo


  1. Oh dang, this page is so good. And I knew exactly what you were all about with it.
    Does this mean I've gotta get on mine and meet you half way?

  2. This is a great post in more ways than one. I love your colors and the quote hit home for me. Good luck with the have a good attitude about it. xo

  3. WOW! I really like this page! And the words, congrats on your new treadmill. It sounds like you are well on your way: Here is a 'game' that works for me sometimes:

    Say to yourself "I GET to walk on the treadmill" vs. "I HAVE TO walk on the treadmill" It's a subtle thing but it does work. LOL


  4. love your page, but I think my fave is the one below-it's very expressive:)

  5. This message I really neecded to hear tonight..such a need to start moving the body...away from the art table, away from the blogging, and get it fitter...xxxthanks...xx

  6. I was on a health kick until a certain person sent me a recipe for marshmallows and it all went to the wall LOL XX
    Love the pic of Misty expressing her emotions, what a lovely face she has.All the best Kath in England

  7. Oh, this is so inspirational! I should USE the one I have...what a good point! Love this expressive and real!

  8. I love this work! And I love the idea of a treadmill.... good luck with that! Do you think you could get on the treadmill and paint at the same time? That would keep you using it forever!

  9. Lovely responses to Misty's prompts....every one!

    I stand all day and even though my feet may hurt I am glad I have to move around my classroom. Sitting at a computer all day gives me migraines so that would never work. I've heard of people installing applications that pop up on their screens periodically and remind them to stretch. Sounds like a good thing to me!
    Health is key and life is less productive without it...and bribing yourself is super important.

  10. i found your blog and will definitely be back for more.
    beautiful work.
    have fun with your treadmill. i have one too and i would say i have a respectable relationship with it although i wish i enjoyed running!

  11. Hey Z! Time to step off the treadmill and come back to your blog. Holly had a good you have a canvas strapped to the treadmill?
    Not giving you a hard time...just missing your posts.
