Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Etsy update

The last time I wrote, I said that I will play with my new Total gym and be in pain tomorrow. I should better think before I write because that's exactly what happened. I hurt my back and am in pain whenever I try to stand up straight or walk. It is actually probably funny to look at me walk... So, I'm trying to rest (the studio will wait for me to clean and organize it). I spent the good part of the day listing some old and some new paintings on etsy. It was empty for a long time and definitely needed my attention. I hope to add more to it in the following week. Now I'll lie down and put a warm pillow on my back... xo


  1. Love the little blue bird!
    Sandra Evertson

  2. I had some relax time this evening so I have been blog crusin' ...
    I love the bold vibrant colors you're using!
    Keep up the great art and have a great hair day! Becci

  3. such nice art works, love the colors used!
