Thursday, January 17, 2008

Feeling a bit lost...


  1. Oh the poor girl looks so vulnerable! Maybe I could send her a map? personally, I think she's right on track.

  2. I'm sure she will find her way just as you will. Your art is amazing and beautiful and I don't think you could create such things if you were truly lost. Maybe you just need to hide away for a little while.

  3. I finally got to come back for a longer visit. And I have been staring at your little lost red riding hood. That is such a curious quote and I have tried to think about it but I am so distracted by the beauty of her features. Her eye, nose and mouth are so pretty. But how did you convey the "lost" look that she indeed has in her eye? I really like her hand too. I think I will believe that she is feeling her way with her hand.

  4. What are you telepathic? lol These quotes lately are just so on target with how I feel. Love little red rding hood lady. As usual...simply faboo!

  5. you must be paying me back for all those times i said what you needed to hear...hugs, rebecca
