Friday, April 27, 2007

I've been tagged!

Sharon (glitterangel) tagged me to list 7 random things about myself.
1. I sleep on a buckwheat hull pillow. For me it is the comfiest thing in the world. The rest of my family doesn't agree with that... so they have regular pillows.
2. I lived on all continents except Australia (and Antarctica). Of course, my dream is to visit Australia.
3. I am seriously afraid of doctors and hope to never have to see them during my lifetime.
4. I worked one year as a school teacher. Loved the children. Not so much the parents.
5. I definitely need a haircut, but have no idea where to find a hairdresser that knows how to tame hair and leave it wild at the same time.
6. I used to be a very good piano player. Now my fingers are pretty rusty... but I can still play.
7. I cook every single day and love it. I even have a secret food blog. Right now, I am mid-way on a detox program where I don't eat anything. For the last 5 days I only drank a mixture of water, lemons, maple syrup and cayenne pepper. I love it and don't mind a bit cooking full meals for my husband and kids...
One more thing - I can't tag anyone... I'm sorry. I'm the one that breaks chain letters, tags and stuff like that because I can't forward it to someone if I'm not sure that they want to do it. So, please - anyone who reads this and wants to write 7 random things about themselves - please consider yourself tagged, write it and let me know where to look!


  1. lol I instruct my hair stylist to cut into my hair like a third grader. I hate to have my hair looking neat. Maybe this is the magic phrase for you :)

  2. Funny Picture. I just love knowing these things about you. Secret blog, you stinker.

  3. You crack me up little travel bug you...I've been no where!...I understand about the teacher was one, said same thing about parents...heard about that detox recipe - haven't yet tried it...need a hairdresser too...only thing is...I love my doctor! ;o)

  4. oh yeah...and I played the organ, but not sure my fingers remember scales anymore ;o)

  5. oh yeah...and I now know where to send my buckwheat pillow...DH spent $50 bucks on one of them and no one likes it ;o)

    ...ok...I'm done now and promiss to next time take notes so I post only once ;o)

  6. Oh, keep me posted on the detox. Are you allowed to drink 8 cups of coffee and a couple glasses of diet coke during the day, while you are detoxing?

    Because, if not - I'm not sure I could hack it... : )

    xo - Chel

  7. How are you? I cannot believe you are doing the master cleanse...oh, how much I want to, but just cannot commit to it yet. I love that you have taken it on...I hope you are feeling wonderful!
    CONGRATS on Italy! That is so cool!
    I feel the way you do about doctors and about hairdressers...I have only had two hair cuts ever that I have really I end up just letting it grow and then go very short.

    I hope you are having a wonderful spring! xo
