Thursday, November 9, 2006

A 'cutting' party

Do you wonder what a cutting party is? Two ladies with two sharp pairs of scissors cutting tiny pictures and chatting about everything. I loved it! My friend Connie spent some time with me today. It is always nice to get together. It relaxes me and gets me in a good mood. And she started a blog!!! I don't have a permission to post it (I didn't ask for it) but I'll do it anyway and she'll have to keep up with it. It's HERE. Just a baby blog, but it will grow... the same way as her art and curiosity grow.
Now to convince my sister to start a blog...


  1. Oh, a cutting party!! What fun! I often get together with art friends to cut up magazines and old books for collage fodder. It is always a good time. I often turn to cutting when I am stressed or having a creative block. If I just had a good system to keep all those little pieces organized!! For the record, that will probably NEVER happen! Love your blog and your work. Will check out your friends blog and cheer her on later!! Isn't the world of blogging fabulous!!
    shari xxx

  2. beautiful and so cute,kinda whimsy that dinosaure ;oP
