Friday, May 12, 2006

Live Life (with intention) NOW

I finished a new canvas today, but didn't have time to put it on eBay. I decided to create without restraint, start all auctions at $9.99 and see what happens. First two canvases sold with multiple bids... so I'm hopeful for this one.

After I finished it seemed like something was missing..... I added a tiny bottle filled with glass glitter, gold beads and sparkly stuff to remind us to look for gold moments in our life. We all have them.


  1. Great Art sweetie!!!! xoxoox Happy Week-end!!!

  2. That's a lovely canvas. The little bottle is the perfect touch.

    BTW - thanks to you, I'm now making ACEOs and digi-ATCs. It's a funny old life isn't it! LOL.

    Gillian. xxx

  3. I came here via Gillian and am loving the art you are displaying.

  4. Lovely canvas!! I simply adore the wee bottle in the corner! What a fabulous idea!
