Wednesday, August 21, 2013

When birds grow up

Way back in 2005 when I started this blog, our daughter just turned 11,and I posted this photo collage of her:
At that time college was something so far away that I didn't think about it. But now I find myself in the "club" of so many Moms that waved good bye to their kids these days. While we are on the West Coast, the little bird bravely entered a plane and flew all the way to the East Coast, to the heart of the biggest city, to pursue her dreams. There are so many thoughts and emotions that I would like to express right now, but can't. They will probably show up in my art somehow. For now, I'll leave you with some of her art. Her wish is to study computer science, but I can't help and wonder if art be a part of her future too...
Our "baby boy" (I don't think I'll ever stop calling him that in my mind, even though he is all grown up and behaved as a grown up even when he was little) drove 400 miles just to wish his little sister a safe trip and happy college days, then 400 miles back to his home and work. 

We love them and miss them and are extremely proud of them both. Good luck birdies, happy flights! We'll keep the nest safe and inviting for whenever you wish to come back :-)
Off to a new phase in life...


  1. bardzo piękne- lubię tu zaglądać

  2. Oh man! I don't know who is the bravest in this family. You are amazing. Your guys are amazing and Hana is amazing. I'm wishing her all the best of the best. Her and that big yellow bag. There is no telling how art and computer science will mingle in her future. xo

  3. Wonderful photos! Love the artwork!

  4. What amazing artwork. Wow. Seeing the kids leave the nest is so hard. Wishing them and you the best.

  5. What fantastic artwork! I'm sure it isn't easy to watch your kids go off on their own but you can be proud of the great job you've done raising them. I know you will miss her but she's off to begin the life she was born to live. How exciting!!

  6. The blink of an eye, isn't it...melancholy feelings....
    I'll be there sooner than I think, too.

    Look at her artwork! Got some of her Momma's talent!

  7. I am going to be going thru that in a six years or so when my daughter (whose name happens to be Zorana) goes to college. So bittersweet. Thank you for sharing your life with us...
