Wednesday, December 8, 2010

If (workshop preview)

If creativity makes you happy,
If you are
If you like color
If you want to make gifts for family and friends
or sell them on eBay or etsy (not sell friends and family, sell stuff you make)
If you like making things just because you want to
If texture makes you smile
If you like and are all of above, then I will be
and ask you to join me in my first online workshop, where we can
 paint, cut, fold, make, collage etc. etc. together.
By the way, it helps if you are also:
More information tomorrow :-)


  1. YES to all the above. I am SO happy you are going to teach a class and share your talents with us!!!! Sign me up!!! Sharon P.

  2. Well done! You are so creative, it'll be fantastic sharing that with others! It's going to be an amzing workshop. :) xx

  3. What a great intro. Good grief I love all of these pics and on top of that, I am Friendly Ticklish Powerful!
    And you are too!!!!!!

    sorry, I know you are blushing right now. But so Gutsy!

  4. Great intro :)
    This class sounds great.. waiting till tomorrow :)

  5. it's about time!!! YAY!!! blessings!

  6. Zorana,
    So glad to have fun your lovely blog.I just adore your art work and your imagination greatly.
    Your collage sheets are awesome.
    Really a beautiful blog.
    Have a great day and thank you for sharing.
