Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Three days.... or was it four? that I didn't paint. It's driving me crazy.... so I drew these little ones just now (at work...shhhhh, don't let anyone know).
I wish I could open up and spill out in Mystele's gut art way right now. Splash paint on paper and just jump in it.
If you could do anything - what would you be doing right now?


  1. Splashing paint on paper and jumping in it!
    Oh, and I just dreamed off into a little sketch too.
    Oh me, not doing what I said I would be doing. ☺

  2. Aaahhh the constraints of a working woman...not fair is it?

    Love your little sketch and cant wait to see what you do when you splash a bit of paint around!

    Lucky me...I am on holidays and my last visitor left today so I have just had lunch with my patchwork girlfriends and now doing a bit of relaxing. Might splash a bit of paint around tomorrow maybe...so I'm doing just what I love at the moment (which is most unusual).

    Love to you and yours for the New Year.

    Jacky xox

  3. I enjoy reading your blog. Your work is beautiful!

  4. The sketch is great, I'm always attracted to sketches. Paintings are wonderful with all the color but sketches such as this seem so spontanious.


  5. Love the little sketch! As for the painting....I know just where you are 'cause I'm there, too. I've been working in my art journal but not really doing any paintings. I miss the field trips at Gut Art. They always inspired me to get busy.

  6. Hmm...it would be seveal years into the future, and I would be retired (yes, working woman here, too) with a daily art-making retreat, then some digging in a garden, then tea & scones, and a good book with my feet propped up...maybe play with my grandchildren on a lovely afternoon...
    ahhhh...a dream to be sure...
