Tuesday, June 10, 2008

How I feel today

-a page in my journal-


  1. Your soul is on the page, you are a very gifted artist and an inspiration! We are all so fortunate to be able enjoy your gift here on your blog. I feel privileged...this page is beautiful!

    Hugs Giggles

  2. Please please please don't do one more thing to this beautiful journal page. The sketch is so striking (strike = touch with force) and the combination of colorless skin and blood filled cloth says it all.
    I hope you don't mind that I....

  3. Man...this has got to be one of my most favorite pages ever...we can all relate to the sentiments and the drawings...REALLY fantastic, Zorana..I agree with Sharon- LOVE it!

  4. Count me in too! It reminds me a little of that huge painting you took a picture of that had all the scribble drawings inside. It's great! I am soooo loving your art!

  5. This one took my breath away.

    Thanks for your note the other day. I'm going to catch up with you soon.

    Mother is doing better. They have taken her off of the oxygyn but she is still on IV antibiotics. She'll be in the hospital for several more days. I really appreciate you.


  6. I really LOVE this piece !!!! Bit funky!

  7. This page has so much soul. No one deserves to be hurt and you least of all....you have such a good heart. Don't let someone else take away your happiness. Don't give them that much power even though you created a fantastic page out of your hurt feelings.
