Saturday, March 8, 2008

Inspiring dessert

I wanted to change the words by Don Kardong "Without ice cream, there would be darkness and chaos." to "Without desserts there would be....". Somehow in my head the 'desserts' changed into 'sweets' and I noticed it when I finished stamping and it was too late to try and wash it off with water. Oh well.... I guess it doesn't matter. Sweets/dessert... basically the same thing. I don't eat desserts often, but last night we went out and I enjoyed a good piece of tiramisu. It is still making me smile!


  1. i confess i live by this 'rule' - 'life is uncertain - eat dessert first'!! i always check out the dessert menu before i order a meal - i need to know how much room to leave...
    probably not the best policy for a diabetic :o)
    i LOVE the picture!!

  2. "Sweets" works perfect for me. I simply can't resist any kind. I love a tad of sweet in my salads, in condements for my meat. And of course give me some tiramisu anytime.
    This is a very sweet page.

  3. Too funny. I LOVE hte piece below too! Happy Sunday Z!

  4. Oh!!!dear I have five and a half months of no sweets ahead of me...Chaos will reign.
    Love you page and sweets seems like a perfect word to me.

  5. Perfect. I think that desserts eaten few and far between taste better than when they are eaten frequently. :)

  6. HI Zorana..OH your work is yummy as ever!!! I love this piece..the colors are so rich...and there can never be enough chocolate for me!

  7. I agree with that statement! I do love my sweets and never turn them down when offered. This piece is delightful.

  8. Truer words never spoken! Bring on the chocolate cake!!!

    Love this page... and now I want dessert!



  9. Great work!I think sweets is a better covers more territory. Dessert is usually after dinner but I am always grabbing a cookie here or a chocolate kiss there. Poor Mo'a!
    Take away my sweets and you can just bury me.
