Thursday, August 2, 2007

I finished my four-week-raw-vegan-food challenge and this is how I look now:
Just joking!
I can't believe that I'm posting this silly picture... Hana made me do it :-)
I am eight pounds lighter and many times happier than a month ago. I love trying new things and this has been fun. So much fun that I would really, really like to become a certified raw food chef. I signed up for the e-newsletter from this website and they sent me a raw brownie recipe. A perfect thing to make for my "I did it!" party.
I will start saving money for the culinary school.... Imagine teaching workshops about creative journaling and healthy eating... I like the idea (maybe I'm the only one).
Notice my short hair! The hairdresser decided on her own to chop off more than 5" of my hair... I couldn't even complain... I was speechless. At least I didn't cry (as I used to when I was younger). It will grow...


  1. I love your hair cut!! Congrats on your raw way!!

  2. by the way, love your new banner...where have I been...I haven't noticed it before.

  3. The diet sounds interesting to me...if only I could convince my husband to try it. He wouldn't even eat his brussel sprouts tonight..

  4. I like your new hair cut! The photo is cute of you, something that I am sure a lot of people think to do when they hear about doing a 'four-week-raw-vegan food challenge.' And so appropriate drinking the green stuff!

    Hey! I am proud of you for trying it and following it through! That is wonderful! As those brownies look! LOL!

  5. I'm still laughing. Got your e-mail and had to run over and check it out. You are so funny and made my day. I'll be thinking of that face all day long as I do a happy dance about TGIF.
    Congrats on the pounds off and what a keen workshop idean.

  6. i can comment again!!!!!! i LOVE those brownies and i like your hair - the green juice looks great with it :o) well done with the raw food challenge - and i LOVE the workshop idea!!

  7. raw food...i am coming closer...the more news of contaminated foodstuffs...the more i move away from prepared stuff...creativity with food...sounds like a plan to me...blessings, rebecca

  8. Oh, I laughed out loud at the first photo! Even with the silly face you look gorgeous. And you look so healthy. Well done on shedding 8 pounds and for looking after your health.

    I would do your creative journalling and healthy eating workshops in an instant!

  9. P.S I like your hair shorter!
