Monday, April 2, 2007

Happy April! (one day late)

I love April! I think that it is my favorite month of the year. Maybe it's the weather, the fresh shades of green, strawberries that you can smell and taste... longer days? This is how I spent the day:
I did a workout that I found online here.
It showed me that I really need to move more and sit in front of the computer less...
I made meringue cookies.
Three egg whites and some sugar and my daughter thinks I'm the best cook in the world.
I sketched birds while talking to my mom on the phone. Then pulled out my messy watercolors and created some bird cards. Can you see that there's something wrong with my pen? I lost it last year... It fell on the heating thing under my desk and slowly melted away... I'm so happy that it didn't start a fire and that now I have a very uniquely shaped pen...People are slowly returning from ArtFest... They sound very happy. I can't wait to read more about their experiences. I was all signed up for ArtFest and chickened out... Next year, maybe...


  1. LOVE your birds... what sweet personalities and lovely color. You absolutely MUST go to ArtFest next year. I am still smiling from all the fun and the best times I will never forget.

  2. I adore your birds Zorana. And am very happy to have several of my own :)

    Love the photo with the melted pen!

    Hope you go to Artfest next year. I am going to make the trip from Australia in the next couple of years. Wouldn't it be wonderful if we went at the same time?

  3. Your birds are great! The melted, crooked pen is so unique....just like your artwork. You have such a wonderful, unique style. I love it. You shouldn't chicken out about anything regarding your art so I hope you make it to ArtFest next year.

  4. Oh, love your birds too! But those yummy cookies! I want one. Are there any left? I'm on my way over!

    ; )

    xoxo - Chel

  5. Ah, I LOVE your sketched birds, true ART!

  6. i love your birds too! and all of the color and whimsy and thoughtfulness all combined that i'm seeing in your entries. :)

  7. I don't remember how I found your site, but I am glad I did. Your bird cards are wonderful. Are you selling them on etsy?
