Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Feeling the love...

I am trying hard not to be the Valentine's Grinch... I wrote several posts and deleted them... Decided to focus on what I like, not dislike.
I like... no, I LOVE the internet and the way it connects people. Some may say that the new technology is cold and inhuman... for me it is completely the opposite. I am so happy to have new friends and grateful for the way blogs connect us and enable us to share our lives and art. It was so great to get mail today!
Thank you Norah. Thank you Anna.
You made my day bright and happy. I hope to meet you both one day.


  1. I don't think that the internet is inhuman at all! So I agree with you on how people stay connected...I've only been in SC for 2 years in May...and still don't know anyone...and I have met some really fab people, made friends and lots of cool artists online! And look how many artists have met in person!! It's amazing!
    What great mail goodies! xoxo

  2. You have some lovely art here!

  3. oh what delicious things you received - makes a day ever so special!
    I hope you will take part in ONE World-ONE HeART!

  4. I agree with you about the internet. It is a wonderful tool to meet people. Since starting blogging last June I have met so many wonderful and talented paople (like yourself). It has expanded my life in beautiful ways.
    Love the goodies you have received.

    Just lovely!!
