Sunday, December 11, 2005

Illustration Friday - Surprise

This maiden found a golden egg..... Imagine her surprise when the egg cracked and butterflies emerged from it. It doesn't show on her face - but she was really, really surprised....

This is an 'Art Squared' piece (4" x 4"). I used real eggshells on the "egg" because I love the mosaic-y feel they give. And - I used some of the lovely papers and fibers that I got from Annax.


  1. Lovely illo, I guess I would have been surprised having butterflies out of an egg...
    Are you using acrylics?

  2. Thanks for leaving a comment! I used acrylics and water soluble oil pastels.

  3. i really like the detail in her hair. very beautiful illustration.

  4. Ho w pretty! I love the concept, and the butterflies ook like beautiful autumn leaves.

  5. Very pretty! :) I am glad you got to use the materials I sent you!

  6. I am in love with this collage. It is so cool that you used real egg shells. I took the time to browse your blog and website and could relate to much of what you are doing...especially not knowing what you want to be when you grow up and not being ready to call yourself an artist. I am just starting to feel comfortable with the title artist, (although that is just one of my being a Mama to 2 toddlers) I think the world is shifting and more people are now willing to admit that it is pretty rare to know what you want to be when you grow up at 17 or 18 -so the whole idea tht we go to college for some chosen profession for the rest of our lives is ridiculous. Anyway, I loved finding your site - you are a talented artist. I wish you well.

  7. Ohhh this is so beautiful!!! I love it! :)

  8. Thank you all for taking the time to leave a comment. It really means a lot to me.
