Tuesday, November 5, 2013


- mixed media on 20"x24" canvas-
I finished recording my class for SoulFood workshop, but couldn't stop playing with the technique, so I continued by applying it to a canvas. The photograph you see below is one of my favorites. I couldn't believe my luck when I saw that my little phone was able to capture it. I used it as inspiration for the canvas.
It is pretty tricky to show how it really looks, because there is a combination of metallic colors, matt surfaces, texture...
It changes when looked from different angles and light...


  1. Soooo looking forward to your soul food lesson!!! This is gorgeous!!

  2. What a beautiful canvas. I can't wait to see your lesson.

  3. This is such a great work Zorana. It steels my heart. Love the fantastic colors and the beautiful structure and bird,
    Lovely greet
