Monday, November 4, 2013

Color Explorations

One day, as I was reading blogs, I was happy to see a post from one of my favorite artists, clicked on a link that she provided, got introduced to another artist, saw a picture in this blog post.... and soon HAD to have a new moleskine. Does that ever happen to you? You read something and immediately have to try it? Anyway, I made myself walk to the store (3.6 miles away - YAY me!), purchased a beautiful red moleskine (which you can easily find here), walked back and with a big grin opened it and started.
It felt almost like I got a permission to combine colors and record them in a pretty book.
I decided to do it without pressure. No color theories. Just simplicity of choosing two colors, mixing them up, adding black and white and seeing what happens.  Couldn't be easier or more relaxed than that! 
Now that I had some time experimenting with colors (and filled pages and pages), I learned that I like many combinations much more than what comes directly from the tube. I plan on creating little paintings with very limited palette and seeing what comes from it, and I will share it here. Hope you'll enjoy my little experiments :-)


  1. ha! very happy to have been a part of this, zorana! of course i never have to rush off and buy a new book. or new paints. or new pencils....


    : )


  2. So great to see that such a little thing has inspired someone!! thank you so much for finding my blog and sharing your experience - it really is very relaxing isn't it? And a great way of discovering what you do like and what you don't in terms of colours. Thanks again and lovely to find your blog too.

  3. this is a wonderful experiment you are doing. I love seeing the colors you are creating.
    Are you doing this with acrylics?
