Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Missed opportunity

A little over a year ago, I received a fantastic email from the Senior Managing Editor of Art Journaling, in which she informed me that my journal was selected to appear in their publication. They gave the title to my future article: "My Journal is my Canvas". Of course, I did a happy dance and couldn't have been more excited.
Unfortunately, at that time I was very overworked at my day job and didn't have the energy or mindset to write anything. As my deadline was coming about, I wrote an email of apology and said that I just can't write the article. They were kind and understanding, told me that I can write it whenever I can...
The sad truth is that even when my work stopped being so demanding, I couldn't write the article. I started several times and nothing that I wrote made any sense. Whatever it is that I feel at the moment, or whatever I want to express - I do it on the paper of my journal, or in my paintings. I am not a writer - therefore I paint...  So, I didn't write the article, and now - one year after the happy email - I received a box with my journal in it.
I probably wouldn't write about this on my blog if they didn't leave several pieces of tissue paper in my journal. That intrigued me. My guess is that they placed them on the pages they were thinking to use in the article. I find that interesting). 
The following pictures shows 4 spreads, or 8 pages of my journal. 
They do seem to work as a spread, but were painted separately. I wonder if all of them would have been printed or just some.... and would that represent my journal well... maybe.
Anyway, it's nice to have my journal back. I loved looking at my old work. And the moral of the story is, I guess - don't wish to be published if you can't write 750 words about your work. Also - if you do wish to be published - approach the publishers, send your work and wait to do a happy dance when you receive an email back from them (it's really lovely seeing your work in a glossy publication).


  1. oh, what rich pages,zorana. and, i know that "just can't do it" feeling. it's even more wonderful to know how you truly like to express yourself and that it's ok to own up to it. thanks for that.

  2. Oh I know how this feels, so many times I have been asked to write something about my self or my art and I just freeze up, I am not much of a writer, except for my blog of course.
    I have managed to do a few interviews and that is about it, i'm no kelly rae and I wouldn't be expecting any book deals anytime soon thats for sure ;o)

    Micki x

  3. Lovely pages Zorana. I know what you mean by being overworked and not knowing how to express yourself in words. I find it much easier to express myself through my art than through words as well and your pages are full of emotion and feeling.

  4. Zorana, your pages are so heartfelt, so true and so very real. I love it when you post. Thank you for sharing.

    I had almost the same thing happen. I was asked to be in the premiere issue, but I wasn't given much notice and it was in August (which is the busiest time of the year for me), so I had to pass. It happens. There is always another opportunity that comes along.

    I think of it as, I make art for me, not to publish it. Stay true to yourself and your vision and it will all work out in the end.


  5. I was also approached by an editor from Art Journaling magazine. But I balked at sending my whole journal to them! I don't understand why they can't work from photos or scans. I have things in my journal that I wouldn't want to share with everyone and the thought of sending it through the mail just turned me off.

    I love seeing your art and these are wonderful. Plus you get to see how much your art has changed in just one year.

  6. I get what your saying, I am journaling and can't even come up with words for the pages,so I paint a feeling or a change or something I have a passion about and it can be quite insignificant but I know. I am always thinking, when I am old and feeble will I still know?

    I felt this jolt of excitement as I saw your fases in your header, and then your journal pages, I know you know about the jolt and how that feels.

    I will come again for more jolts because they feel go good.

    I felt a little lump in my throat when I read this post.

  7. Another example of a humble artist underestimating their ability. Funny how we all feel this way! Your work is so lovely, and I adore this variation because it really shows your various styles. So much talent, and you truly are a great writer! Maybe just not ready to share!In time you could change your mind, or use these pieces for something else!
    Love the header too...

  8. You are so talented Zorana, and such a beautiful writer ...it just wasnt the right time for you maybe.

    Beautiful journal. It must be lovely to have it in your hands again.

    Jacky xox

  9. Just knowing that your work was recognized is what matters--you are truly inspiring! I love looking at these pages.

  10. Well that was exciting, even if not published that time. It has to be stressing to mail the whole journal!
    Your work is so beautiful, maybe with more time you can write the text. I guess it would be as difficult for a writer to come up with a painting, right?
    Thanks for sharing!

  11. I'm sorry that we missed out on seeing your beautiful journal in glossy publication too. Writing is hard. Like Emelie, I have a hard time coming up with words for a journal page or a piece of art. But you do so well with that. It is too bad that you could not have written the article on a journal page or as a separate little journal. I know that would have been very unique to see in glossy print. Maybe that is why it wasn't time yet for publication. Something to think about.

  12. Beautiful pages Z!I too understand. Afterall we are artists not writers. I missed having my blog banner printed in Artful Blogging magazine because I didn't know how to send it to them on the computer.

  13. Sorry you missed the opportunity, or maybe what I'm really sorry about is that WE missed the opportunity to see you published. For many of us it seems writing about our work is daunting.

    Just more reason to check your blog daily where we always get a treat!


  14. Oh yes! It is daunting. It is so much fun to just create things that make you happy, post it for your online buddies and NOT have to analyze it.
    Thank you for your honesty and of course for your lovely art.

  15. your journal pages are wonderful.
    I love what you wrote in this post, I would offer that you consider something along the lines of how you have just shared with us for your 'next' article.

  16. I have a lot of things I want to talk about in my journal , but when I am face with putting words on paper, that is a different story. English is not my first language, so that is another block.
    You can have the satisfaction of knowing your work is great and that you were selected out of a lot of other peoples, I am sure. I love your faces =)
