Thursday, February 21, 2013

Day later

Several short hours after I posted my journal page yesterday, the mean virus finally caught me... and promptly sucked all of my energy. So don't bother to try the concoction, because obviously no amount of vitamin C and ginger could help (which makes me for some reason angry). Here is a random picture I snapped last night... he can't make me tea, but just looking at him snuggled with his toy makes comforts me.


  1. Hope you'll feel better soon, sending you some healing wishes. My cats are making me company also :) At least one of them is following me where I go :)

  2. i hope you feel better *soon* zorana!


    a fellow cat lover : )

  3. I'm sorry that the virus got you...I hope it's short-lived and you're feeling much better soon. At least you have an adorable companion to watch over you.

  4. Awww, he's a handsome boy. I hope you get better soon.
