Monday, April 11, 2011

Wish Angel

This is the first thing I painted after more than three weeks. I think it took me less time to paint her than to photograph her. It is a narrow and long canvas (12"x36") and I couldn't get the image not to be blurred, or too light, or too dark, or fuzzy... Finally I scanned her in little parts and 'stitched' her together in Photoshop. Now I can see the texture and it's not fuzzy, but some of the colors lost their depth...  It will have to do.
It was a lucky thing that Jane DesRosier launched her new workshop at the time I was struggling with my canvas... While I didn't use her techniques for portrait painting on this particular piece, I did play with the collage technique that did two things: 1 - covered the marker lines, 2 - made a wonderful textured background for the painting.
Another angel followed this one. Now on my fight to get good photos of it, and I'll be able to post her too.


  1. She is stunning. Did you use masking tape in the collage background?

  2. Love her face, eventhough she looks kind a sad to me.
    Nice texture.

  3. She is amazing Zorana! I love all these colors already so it must be even more beautiful in person. . . if that is possible! :)

  4. She is gorgeous and I love the texture! Your art amazes me!

    I'm going to sign up for Jane's class soon. So excited to know you're taking it. : )

    I always have a hard time photographing art. The colors are never how they look in person and it always ends up lighter or darker too. And large pieces are even harder. I feel your pain ; )


  5. Wow, a masterpiece! I see what incubating your ideas can do. I love taking breaks and then returning to my art.

  6. Beautiful, inspirational, and makes me want to make art! Also makes me feel so inadequate! xx

  7. They just get better and better. I find myself wondering and imagining how you did some of the things on this painting. Her face is so beautiful but the wing at the bottom is perfectly stunning.

  8. She is truly beautiful. A lovely piece. Penny

  9. She is magnificent!

    Try taking her picture in better lighting with a smaller aperture. :)

  10. As a lover of angels, I find her just magnificent!

