Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Thank you!

I wanted to thank you for all the comments, compliments and nice wishes. I had a lovely birthday and am actually feeling better today. Almost completely good :-) I spent better part of the day answering emails and visiting blogs. Happy to say that I met a lot of new bloggers and saw tons of cool art. 
Anyway...  the whole day I wanted to take a picture of my new earrings so that I can write about them in my journal (real journal) and add the photo.  Of course, when I finally got to my camera, the light was completely gone. And since my blog is sometimes my journal, I decided to share it here too. 
You can't see them well, but it doesn't really matter. My teenage daughter likes to say that she is self-centered and doesn't notice anything that doesn't concern her (not true, but she does say that often). I thought that it was funny, because when she gave me my present she said that "they are your (my) favorite color, big enough to be seen but not overly so, and that they are very lightweight so that they will not hurt my ears". She obviously put thought in it. I thought that that was very sweet and not self-centered at all. And she was right - they are s perfect fit for me.
You can see that I tried to take a photo in different ways in my dark room. Only when I finished I saw that I wasn't alone... our dear cat was in the background, probably wondering what in the world am I doing. Notice the way he is looking at me. Isn't he cute?
Yesterday I made a super chocolate cake that was healthy and nutritious enough to eat for breakfast (which I did today). The above mentioned girl asked with a disappointed face "Is it healthy? Is it vegan? Oh well, it IS your birthday". And then she tried it, liked it and even asked for a second piece. I guess that confirms that it's really good. I thought you might want the link for the recipe (btw - that is one of my favorite blogs, a ton of great recipes there).
So, thank you once again! Please let me know if I forgot to send someone the collage sheet.... or if the file is not working or if I sent the wrong one. I received several comments that had no email address or blog links, so I have no way to contact those people. I hope that they will write to me again and include the email address. Hugs!


  1. Good morning Zorana,

    Glad you are feeling better! Your earrings are stunning! Sound like you had a lovely birthday and very fortunate to have a daughter who knows exactly what her mom likes. It always means so much when one receive a present and you know that much thought went into it.

    Oh my hat! Isn't that just the most beautiful cat in the world. Look at that pose! hahaha ... I wonder what he is thinking....

    Thank you for sharing the link to that scrumptious chocolate cake .. my favorite .. I am definitely going to hop over and get that recipe. Looks mouthwatering divine and you said healthy .. so it's goooood chocoloate..lol

    Thank you for the lovely comment on my blog and for the give-away. I will sent you my email address.

    Take care and lovely day to you :)

  2. What a thoughtful gift from your daughter! And your cake looks absolutely fabulous!! Have saved the recipe...friends over for dinner this weekend...THAT will be dessert!! So THANK YOU...again!

  3. Thanks for the collage sheet. And great to hear that you feel better. I try to make something about the birds today. I let you know then. Have a nice day!

  4. I'd like to say thank you for the collage sheet it is lovely,and glad that you are feeling better.Take care,Joanne

  5. Oh yummy...I wish I had been there to share that chocolate cake. Looks scrumptious!

    So glad you enjoyed your special day and you are feeling much better.

    Love the earrings...your daughter has great taste.

    My collage sheet has arrived...so nice to have some of your 'words' to put in my journal.

    Jacky xox

  6. I too have a vegan daughter and she would love this cake and so would I! :) Your lovely new earrings are perfect for me, in fact I have some in a very similar style and for all the same reasons, not too heavy, not too big but big enough to get noticed! Happy birthday and keep up the playing with crayons and paper and colours - I'm going to for as long as I can lift them up and use them which I hope will be to the end of my days! ;) xx

  7. I am sooo glad you are feeling better and that you were able to enjoy your birthday ;-) Thank you for the collage sheet, it's more beautiful than I could see yesterday online - I LOVE IT. Thank you.

  8. Hi Zorana! I saw your comment. Now there is one atc card where I used your little bird from that sheet you gave me. They are so cute!

  9. Hi, Zorana! Glad you are feeling better. Those are lovely earrings. I like that recipe too. Healthy chocolate? cool!
    Your kitty is beautiful! I get looks from mine like that too. I figure he is just wondering why they allowed us humans stop worshipping them and think for ourselves. We obviously need guidence.
