Friday, November 26, 2010

Pastels, Facebook and Etsy's new feature

I don't want to be hidden in my studio when the whole family is at home and the fire is burning in the fireplace. Since I can't bring all my supplies to the family room, I chose pastels and a watercolor journal - not too much stuff and relatively clean to work with. So, this is what I was playing with yesterday and will probably continue today.
Watercolor paper is, of course, not the best for pastels, but it doesn't matter.... it does grab the pigment and lets it stay there.
Who says colors have to be 'normal'. Green is good :-)
(Specially if you work in a dark room and see the real colors the morning after.)
I decided to join the 21st century and started a Facebook page. I had one for friends and family, but was never very active there. I have no real plans for this one for now, except to learn as I go. I think that if you click on the link on the right side you can become my Facebook friend (which I would like). I'm trying something else - Etsy has a new feature which enables sellers to create coupons (like real shops!), so I posted a promotional 20% coupon on Facebook (it will be valid till the end of November). 


  1. Mmmm I bought some new pastels yesterday (conte) and have been playing around with them last night too!!! I have quite a variety of different brands and love using them in mixed media. Havent done any straight pastel...might have to have a play.

    I end up using the kitchen table quite a bit too...nice to be near the family and to keep warm!

    Have a lovely weekend.

    Jacky xox

  2. I love playing with pastels too Zorana and what could be better than to sit in front of the fireplace with the family and do some art. I love the top one with the two faces. Beautiful!

    Enjoy and happy creating! :)

  3. Love your girls, always :) All of them, no matter what paints you're using :) Love the bright colors you're choosing.
    Why don't you just open fan page on FB? In that case you wouldn't have to be friend with all people wanting to follow your creations on FB :)
    Now off to ask you to be my FB friend :)

  4. These are gorgeous! I love to see different colours used for flesh. What a lovely way to spend a csoy evening. :) I'll go and find you on Facebook now! :)xx

  5. Ohhh, I love all the greens in your faces and the pink hair - love it! The lady bug is too cute. :)

  6. Is that a little gecko I see there?
    Portable art is great isn't it?

