Friday, November 8, 2013

How to clean acrylic mess from paint tools

I am fairly tough on almost everything and anything I use in my creative process. I leave brushes for days in water, never take the time to rinse my stencils or stamps, pick up things with messy hands. The proof is in the picture - you see the chaos. But sometimes the cleaning bug shows up and I get to work to straighten things up (usually when my stamps are so covered up that they can't stamp any more). That is when I use the magic trick I somehow stumbled upon.
DISCLAIMER: Don't try this on your precious brushes and stamps! Test it on other surfaces before using! This is something that works for me on my everyday art supplies. I would not dream of using it on my expensive watercolor brushes! Better be safe than sorry, be careful when you use it. But if you do - I'm sure that it will make you smile :-)
This is what I use (I forgot to add rubber gloves):
I pour warm water in a plastic container, add some of the oxy clean (I don't measure it) and then let everything soak for 10-15 minutes. And yes, I know - wood shouldn't be soaked in water. And please don't do it with new brushes or if you are fussy with your wooden stamps. I'm not.... it works well. I didn't see anything horrible happen in the 15 minutes they are in water.
Then it is a matter of scrubbing and rinsing and scrubbing again. Some things are easier to clean than others, but it is surprising how fast it happens.
There were so many layers of color peeling of my brayer. I actually forgot that it was light colored! Isn't that cool? If I cared to spend a little bit more time, I could have cleaned every single speck of acrylic from the stamps, but this was good enough for me, so I stopped. 
The light was different when I took the 'after' photo, but you can still see the difference - night and day! Now I can start being messy again!
Let me know how it worked for you if you try it...


  1. That's great. I'm going to go try it on my brayer and see what happens!

  2. OOh looking good!! My brayer is crazy, if I clean it now it would be a shock to find out it is supposed to be smooth not textured ;)

  3. Amazing! I know you have told me about this before but I am so glad to see the picture because when I get the the store, I can never remember for sure what to get.
    I'm enjoying your everyday post ;-) too.

  4. That's great. I'll have to look for the product. Thx. For the info.

  5. oh wouawwwww...thanks...i will try it for sure...

  6. Fabulous, Zorana... thanks for sharing this!

  7. will definitely try this, my stencils need cleaning :)
    Hvala :)

  8. Excellent tip Zorana - I will definitely pick up a pot of this - I'm pretty sure our £1 store does this product!
