Friday, October 28, 2011

My new favorite color

So, here it is... my new favorite color:
I used it here only with Payne's gray and Titanium White, but it woks so well with all other colors. I love what it does when used as a transparent layer, and will probably be exploring it in everything I paint in the following months (or days... I might find another 'favorite' very soon).
Anyone else that loves this color? 
I'm about to go and check what's been posted on Paint Party Friday. It's a great way to get introduced to blogs that I haven't seen before.
Happy Weekend!


  1. You know I love this new favorite of yours! And the painting is beautiful. She looks like she's dreaming or looking at something way off in the distance.

  2. You artists are so clever. What a beautiful face you painted today.

  3. Certainly I do Zorana. What a beatifu;, beatiful color. Love it very much. And your painting id so gorgeous and such a great work of art. Splendid.
    Lovely greet

  4. I think I will have to get some of that colour - Awesome!! Beautiful face.

  5. beautiful portrait....i have to laugh, with all the paint i have, i don't think i have this shade.....but i am sure i will order it soon...... hugs

  6. oh YES I adore that rich, so mysterious, so warm...your painting is fabulous...

  7. This is just beautiful and thanks for those close ups... this is the second purple piece I have seen this week and I am thinking I have to get over being freaked out by it... thanks for your lovely comment on my blog also and happy PPF xx

  8. Wonderfully creative ~ Love it! Colors are awesome! hanks, namaste, Carol (Share the Creative Journey) Happy PPF ^_^

  9. I love love this color! Beautiful painting.

  10. Hi Zorana. Glad to see you on PPF. I love your colors and now I'm going to have to order some. I love your lady as well. Your work is always awesome. Have a great weekend.

  11. YUM! Wonderful color and painting!

  12. this is wonderful, i love this color and your painting is rich and like i said wonderful!

  13. WHat a gorgeous color. You have done wonders with it.

  14. Omg I love that!!

    I have such a hard time with purples for some reason, especially when combined with turquoise, it seems those colours don't like me :(

    I love how you used the purple/violet

  15. Love that colour? I ADORE it! I love the mystical quality it gives to your girl and I love the tones you've painted and the way you've mixed the paint for the shading. I ciould look at this for hours!
    Jess xx

  16. Oh how did you know I love this colour (all forms of purple actually) this is a very good painting I think this is my first visit so I will stay and have a look around, thank you for stopping by Dxx

  17. I love your beautiful new color.
    Your composition seems to embrace this color beautifully.

  18. Purple is the one for me too when I look at this. Well done for creating this with only those colours.

  19. I would love your faces' paintings whatever color you would have used:) But yes, I do love this violet. Definitely have to go use that Golden coupon I'm saving :)

  20. Beauuuuuutiful! She's lady melancholy and I love her eyes! Patsy from

  21. Yum, yum, yum, that colour is glorious and your painting spectacular, what a feast for my eyes? Golden paints are so incredible, it's hard to pick a favorite colour.

    Happy PPF and thanks heaps for sharing, you are an inspiration.

  22. wow, that is a lovely painting. the color goes so well with the expression on her face. beautiful!

  23. I love any shade of violet. She is really beautiful.

  24. Great violet handling! Your painting and texture surface are wonderful!

    I've never seen violet used so successfully! Even though I love the color, in school I was taught it was more challenging to use.

    Well done!! :)

    Happy PPF!!
    Mixed-Media Map Art

  25. oh m goodness. This is the best color ever! I love painting faces purple, and wow, this is just so bold. This painting is incredible! I can't stop looking. And all the painting below, so delicious. The colors... wowo wowoowwowowow! I am off to looks at your blog more. Really inspired!

  26. Oh, what a purple!!!! It goes so perfectly with your woman - I can understand why it is your new favorite.

  27. Oh YEAH!!!! Awesome color, awesome painting! I love it! Deb

  28. I haven't tried this color, but now I want to. I love your purple portrait.
